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Showing posts from January, 2012

Sugar Bloom

Bismillahirahmanirahim.. ''Kau ada dikala ku suka, dikala ku duka,setiap tangisan dan juga ketawa'' ''Kau ada dikala ku perlu, setia menemaniku pegang erat tanganku bila aku jatuh'' Here're they my Vava the Vrass. hew! *our bodyguard  ZAWER and IRFAN. Its not a same picture just take a look it carefully and see the different. Absolutely behind the scene. ^_^  Potassium! I luff 'is.Candid only. *from the left  KIRA , KD, MIMI, ARI, ME and SHIQA My Pussy Cat Dolls. hew hew hew Sorry for ignoring 'is blog. Am not in a mood to write anything for a moment syakila hisam

Princess of 15th.

Bismilahirahmanirahim... " Flower in the Garden " Dear FATIN AZMI, Today is your day. Your day to be a Princess of the day. You'll be do whatever you wanna do because you're the princess of the 15th. Everyone wishes you a very great wish. Some of the clan give you a really awesome surprises. A part of your friends send you a text. Your family wanna you to be happy on your day. But me.! Just can only give you a very special wishes so that you remember you're the one of those people which I love until I died.  Imma sorry for my immature actions towards you.  9th February. Friendship between Fatin and Syakila. I do remember it baby.  So baby!  Enjoy on your day and I hope you gonna get what you want in your life. Fo shoo happy in this life and hereafter. I pray the best for you. Insha-allah.  Happy Birthday Fatin Azmi. Cross my heart. I love U. SYAKILA HISAM