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Showing posts from August, 2011


Assalamualaikum... As you can see my blog is already in white. Aha! I don't know why I'm changed my blog into something that damn ugly. I'm just not feeling very well and feel great about myself right now. Thank you. Bila pendam lama-lama hati tu rasa macam nak marah semua orang kan. Bila dah tak tahan rasa nak bagi penampar jerk kat orang tu lah. Biar sedar diri sikit. Bila rasa geram terlampau rasa nak bagi penyepak jerk kat org tu. Kadang-kadang rasa nak menangis bila dah terlampau pendam. Kadang-kadang rasa tak nak bercampur dengan semua orang. TAPI Kita tak boleh nak bagi penampar ke penyepak ke orang yang dah buat kita rasa geram sangat. Sebab kita hanya manusia biasa. Kadang-kadang ada juga orang yang tak senang dengan kita. Ada juga orang yang tak suka dengan perangai kita. Senang cerita kita kena sedar diri masing-masing. Tapi kalau pendam lama-lama memang hati tu sakit nak mampus lahh kannn. So kita kena cari orang yang pandai untuk 'KEEP IN SECRET...


Assalamualaikum... Tanya pada diri kita sendiri..adakah kita paham apa makna kebebasan? Apa itu kebebasan? Adakah pengertian kita tentang kebebasan itu sudah cukup mendalam untuk kita banggakan.? Adakah kita mengerti erti kebebasan yang sebenar? Bila ditanya apa itu kebebasan? Kebebasan bermaksud bebas daripada segalan ancaman bahaya. Bebas daripada penderitaan..bla bla bla bla bla bla bla..Kita mendalami ke maksud kebebasan itu sendiri? Itu yang penting. Kebebasan bukan diucap dan diungkap hanya dibibir namun dirasai dan didalami di benak hati kita setiap manusia. Tidak semua erti kebebasan sama pada setiap insan. Ada diantara mereka merasai dan mengungkapkan kebebasan itu contohnya saudara kita di Palestin. Adakah mereka bebas? Adakah kita semua dapat merasai apa yang dirasai oleh mereka? Bayangkan betapa bahagianya hati mereka jika bebas dari penderitaan mereka. Bayangkan bagaimana mereka akan menjaga erti kebebasan andai mereka diberi peluang. BEBAS??.. Adakah kita mentafsi...


Assalamualaikum.. Ya Allah… Walaupun aku tidak cantik dimata manusia, cukuplah sekadar cantik dihadapan-MU 1)MELUKIS KEKUATAN MELALUI MASALAH. seorang perempuan itu akan terserlah kekuatannya apabila kita melihat bagaimana dia menghadapi masalah yang datang padanya.sama ada dia lemah mahupun semakin tabah dengan dugaan yang datang padanya.insyaAllah bagi yang kuat dia berjaya memanfaatkan ujian Allah  padanya untuk meningkatkan kekuatan dirinya. 2)TERSENYUM SAAT TERTEKAN percaya atau tidak.kalau benar-benar seorang wanita itu mampu melalui masalah yang dihadapi nya kita orang sekeliling dia tidak mampu meneka apakah perasaan dia yang sebenar.kenapa?kerana terlalu dalam untuk kita memahami perasaan dia yang selalu tersenyum tidak kira sama ada dia ada masalah ataupun sebaliknya.alangkah indahnya kalau aku turut sedemikian rupa. 3)TERTAWA SAAT HATI SEDANG MENANGIS bukan saja-saja dia  tertawa saat hatinya terluka  dan menangis.dia bersikap sedemikian kerana dia ma...


Assalamualaikum... Hari ini secara officially nyer aku dah deactivate facebook. The reason tak payah aku nak mention. Biar jadi privacy diri sendiri. So kalau ada pape just tweet sahaja okay. Punya besar aku tepek gambar kat sini kan. HAHA!!! Kehidupan kadang-kadang nie menyesak kan hidup aku. Tapi aku tahu aku harus hidup dan jangan sesekali berputus asa dalam kehidupan nie sebab Allah tak suka akan hambanya yang mudah berputus asa dalam menjalani kehidupan dimuka bumi ini kan. SO! have a great life SYAKILA!.  Alangkah indahnya kalau aku boleh sebut perkataan itu dalam hidup aku sekarang. Terus bernafas terus bernafas dan bernafas. Bangun pagi solat mandi. Pergi kolej. Gossip then balik semula. ERgh! Suck life! Nak jaga hati membe baru membe lama. Aishhh. Hati sendiri bila nak jaga?. Rasa mcm tak perlulah aku bercakap banyak dengan sape-sape. Aku tak bergaul pown mereka tetap akan mengutuk aku juga. Pelik betul manusia kat dunia nie. Penat aku dengan lakonan yang aku pent...


Assalamualaikum... Hello readers.. Morning and I guess one of you are doing something for sure right. But not me because I still laying on my bed and start to type something that across in my mind. I don't know why I wanna to write about love. Its a weird thing for myself. Perhaps I miss him for sure. HIM? Who? I'll not answering for the question. if you're think you're the person I talk and write about so its YOU. I don't want to mention it. So..readers I wanna ask you what's love means by? Is it important in our life? And did love have a lots of category? I just wanna make a simple thing. For me love is When he hurts you but you still wanna be with him, that's love.  When you wish to be with him for the rest of your life, that's love When he disappoints you and you still care about him, that's love. When he looks into your eyes and your heart starts to beat faster, that's love. THIS IS LOVE TO..MY HEART! Sincerely S.HI...


Assalamualaikum... 15082011 Its my BEST BABY FOREVER. And yeah I know I'm the one who are very late to wishing you and yeah I'm not pick up your call at all and yeah I'm pretty evil when seems doesn't care about your birthday at all but the true is I always remember this day and 1508 is the most important day ever for me. As you know you're the part of me and I'm the part of you. Remember our promise? Our puzzle doesn't complete if one of us disappear. Remember one thing baby? ''SYAKILA HISAM SEBAHAGIAN DARI JIWA LIYANA GHAZALI DAN LIYANA GHAZALI SEBAHAGIAN DARI JIWA SYAKILA HISAM'' I'm still remember it and yeah our BFF necklace. I'm still wear until now. Owh yeah I've made something for you and its not beautiful as you're but I'm doing it as best as I can for you and hope you'll be love it. Happy Birthday Butterfly Now keep on flying true Though your destination be high I always here for you It’s your ...

Bayang-Bayang Dunia.

Assalamualaikum... Dunia hari ini cukup pantas. Tidak sempat untuk dikejar. Perubahan yang melanda cukup deras. Siapa yang perlahan, nampaknya akan ketinggalan. Tapi itu kalau dunia yang kita kejar. Kata Mr. X, " Dunia is like a shadow, if you try to grab it, you won't be able to do so, but if you turn your back towards it, it has no choice but to follow you ." Namun harus diingat, bukanlah tidak mengejar dunia bermaksud kita mengasingkan diri dari masyarakat. Pergi beruzlah di dalam gua nun jauh di hutan sana. Tidak mahu bercampur dengan masyarakat dek kerana banyaknya maksiat. Ingat pesan ulama, orang yang bahagia di akhirat adalah orang yang paling sibuk di dunia! Masih kita berbicara tentang 'pantas' ataupun 'segera'. Kita semua ingin sesuatu dengan segera. Sukar untuk ditunggu. Semuanya ingin cepat sahaja. Mee maggi cepat dimasak enak dimakan - demikian lagu iklan suatu ketika dahulu. Namun sedarkah kita dengan segala yang berlaku didunia ini? ...

Berlakon Di Pentas Dunia.

Assalamualaikum... 1.48 AM What should I said to you readers. Morning or Night? I don't know..its up to you. Somewhere in this place people are still hang out and chilling until in the morning. For some people is the worse or weird thing or unusual paranormal for them but for me is not rare. As you can see some of them are just acting 'YEAH I'M USUALLY OVERNIGHT  AND I'M OKAY WITH THAT'. Do you think they are really okay with that? Look by heart not eyes if you want to know whether he/she is acting or not. I don't know what I'm supposed to write right now. Just expressing myself and IDK.. i miss this moment. Sincerely S.HISAM


Assalamualaikum... Good evening readers.. Look at weather for today. Its really hot here and a lots of BIG SALE around me right now! I feel so humble just looking outside the taxi's window and never reach it again because my schedule absolutely freaking me out. If you're following my blog since first time I'm blogging you'll know what's the differences that I do to my blog right. Lets make it easy. I'm still addicted to PINK but for right now I just don't have feelings to makeup my blog  into Pink colour. Don't ask me why because I'll not answering for that question. I'm changing everything because I need to move on and make a new life without remember what had happens yesterday or the bad memory or the time I felt in love with someone. I wanna have a new life without remembering those thing. Its hurt to memorize. Kinda sharp knife that hurt me.Some of my friends told me 'Hey you'll deserve better than him'. Yay maybe! One day. ...


Assalamualaikum... Just to remind myself. What should I do if I'm missing my old friends. Call them? Texting them.? or Look at back for our old photo.. Yay..I choose to look at back to my old photo that have been captured and yay I missing all of them very much. I'm wondering why I'm not call them or texting them?. I'm trying doing that things but what I got is their reaction towards my text are really strange. Their text seems suprising I'm texting them. To my friends whether you hate me or love me or damn hate me much like want me to died from your life..please listen and read what I want to tell all of you... Everytime my lecturer came into class and start the topic I will start remember something. I remember how mess our class when teacher are not came. How noisy we all do it together. We sang along. I do remember all kind of memory that we share together in the same school,same hostel and the most is the same class. Eventhought there are some bad th...

I'm sorry.

Assalamualaikum... There is 2 reason why I'm saying sorry: First Friend I'm so sorry I never mean to hurt you with my words but I'm try telling you the truth and I'm trying talking slowly to you. Its a fact and you should accept it because it was you and not others. You know friend I have been thought what I'm supposed to said to you and how I'm gonna to try talk to you about this problem and for right now I'm feeling really guilty because I just saw you crying and OMG I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm sorry for make you cryingg and honestly I'm truelyy sorry for saying that to you and from the bottom of my heart I'm SORRY W.A.. Second Friend or in the easy ways HATERS. I don't know about you much! I don't know anything who you are. I don't know where do you live or life and the most is I DON'T MESS YOUR LIFE AND WHAT YOU WANT TO DO okay. The weird thing is you just hate me because you can't get alo...